Saturday, August 07, 2010

Member News

Sally Heston has a painting in the Butler Museum of American Art "2010 Mid-Year Show" this summer (until the end of August). She also has received word that she will have a painting in the Pittsburgh Aqueous Show later this fall,at the Fein Art Galleries in Pittsburgh)and the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Show (at a gallery in in Warren, PA) - also later this fall.

Cathy Welner, Maggie McGrainor, Barbara Zohn, Don Getz, Linda Hutchinson and Kitty Waybright had paintings accepted into the Watercolor Ohio 2010, 33rd Annual Juried Exhibition. The juror was John Salminen.

Karen Martin co-wrote a children's story and did the illustrations. It is available thru and the title is "The Life of Riley, why am I so big?".
The story is about her Irish wolfhound, and how awkward she found things to be because of her size, but realized she was special, and did therapy work with hospital patients and young children reading to her at the library.

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